Tuesday, 20 May 2008

The Fish Story

Today I have been finishing off a class project for my Altered Art group. This month we are altering a wooden flower trug into a sea/beach inspired assemblage. The group will start their project by picking a proverb and then some words of their choice that the proverb inspires in them. Then they will build up the assemblage using a variety of materials and techniques to create a creation that goes with their inspiration.
I picked the quote "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat forever". It's a Chinese poverb and I think it totally sums up my feelings behind teaching and inspiring others to create. I hope that those I have taught and inspired feel that I have opened their eyes to a new world that will enrich them for many years. I based it around the sea/beach, because I think it is one of the most inspiring environments. What a journey a piece of drift wood or a battered shell must have had before it lands on the shore. Just like our own creative journey.

1 comment:

serendipitycat said...

I've just finished mine and I'm pleased with the star fish which seemed to evolve!The shells are such a neat idea and look so good hanging- brings a real feel of summer to the house. It was a lovely class. Looking forward to the next.